Hi everybody, I've installed GOS last Monday and found it very nice.
I never use mobile before except for phone calling and sms from bank. My mobile was quite old and simple one, 3G now not anymore supported in my country. I switched to a Chinese rugged mobile and started to use it a bit more, installed Signal to be in touch with my friends. Than I discovered GOS via the DivestOS web page and I purchase a Pixel 6 to install it and I like it very much. I'm privacy oriented person using a Arch based distro on my notebook from 8 years
I've reed some of the huge documentation provided in the GOS web site and downloaded few apps from f-droid.
I like to keep it clean as possible. After installing GSF and Google camera I revert back to the original GOS camera app. I'm usising Langis now.
I'm using a music player from simplemobiletools in f-droid and tried to use Storage Scope for it but when I point it to Music directory o a folder in it, it does not found nothing.
I've also selected to check for update every 24 hours but it seems to check more frequently.
Sorry if my English is not that much good and forgive my mistakes.
Proud to be a GOS user.

    italian_job so to drill down to the particulars you are looking for answers on:

    SimpleMobileTools: StorageScope specified folder doesn't reveal music to the app.
    Update Frequency: 24 Hours but seems more frequent.

    On the first once you have configured storage scopes, you must then add a folder to the playlist either on the main screen or using the 3 dot menu and selected the folder you've granted storage scopes too. Your screen/playlist will then populate with the tracks in the folder.

    On the latter if you are feeling that the frequency of the check is more than 24 hours due to the notification that sits there informing you of the system being up to date that should be the case regardless of check frequency between checks unless you've swiped it away and it reappears.

    Let me know if this resolves your issue/concern and if not please provide further information to clarify further.

    I've tried to add a folder in both way but it does not appear in the player
    from your words seems that I can't insert the whole directory
    add the single file is to much work, I've imported 30 GB of mp3...
    for the notification update thanks for clearanche

      italian_job I know the SimpleMobileTools Music Player advice works as I've installed it and gone through the process specifically just to help you out.

      I got it now but it does not suits my needs, it puts all the files together... and adding all the folders and files manually is a long work, totally I've more than 3000 files...
      if I use the player with permission for multimedia files and sensors will be a problem?
      I tried to reed the documentation but apart for my limited English is to much technical for my knowledge...

        tried both but i think I'll remain with simple player

        OT how to clean remains of uninstalled apps if any?

        tried again both and used storage scopes, both they are showing the folders in the added music directory without need to make a playlist, that was I was searching
        I ended up with Vinyl
        thanks for links suggestions