Hi all,

Hoping someone can help me understand the behavior of the 'Reset app preferences' option in the settings menu.

I have been messing around with the permission of system apps and I basically revoked lots of permissions from system apps - although so far things are running OK, I wanted to ask if by resetting app preferences the OS will reinstate expected app permission as they were initially after the installation of the OS? If not, how can I revert the needed / native permissions provided by the OS to the system apps?


    contour0806 as far as I know, apps ask for all of the permissions they expect to have. For example, if the permissions page shows contacts, network, notifications, and sensors as available options, then that is what the app expects to be allowed by default. The same goes for Alarms and reminders, and other special access permissions that the app's setting page shows.

    Sorry, I don't know how I missed that you were referring to system apps (considering you mentioned it three times). While what I said may still apply, I just want to point out that changing system app permissions really is discouraged, as it may effect performance and/or functionality of other OS elements without being immediately noticeable. This can be particularly problematic when troubleshooting a seemingly unrelated issue down the road.