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  • A suggestion regarding the yellow boot screen

Every GrapheneOS user gets that threatening warning from the bootloader that their phone is "loading a different operating system" and to go to g.co/ABH for more information, like this FUD:

"You can continue using your device. But you acknowledge that your device might not work properly and your data could be exposed to corruption and security risks.

We recommend restoring your device's operating system. If you have a Pixel or Nexus, learn how to flash your device with the latest factory image."

Many users will type this into Google's search box, not an address bar, so they will see Google's page of search results.

May I suggest that the project create one page on the site which is targeted for the g.co/ABH search, which counters Google's FUD and reaffirms the higher security of GrapheneOS?

I can help with SEO for that page so it can be closer the top if there is interest.

As one would expect from a lying FUDder, Google itself is responsible for the most severe vulnerabilities in the December 2022 Pixel Update Bulletin.

Do keep in mind that the yellow boot screen is fully expected, and is part of verified boot. Seeing that exact screen means you're doing something right.

Google, unlike pretty much every other OEM actually allows alternative operating systems to take advantage of the hardware's security features. What we take for granted with Pixels is not true pretty much across the board with other OEMs.

EDIT: I have also edited the thread's title, and the reason for that is because there's nothing specific to GrapheneOS when it comes to the yellow boot screen. Any alternative operating system that you install on the Pixel will give the same message.

    matchboxbananasynergy I have also edited the thread's title, and the reason for that is because there's nothing specific to GrapheneOS when it comes to the yellow boot screen.

    True, but there is a requirement for me to be GrapheneOS-specific to post here, otherwise I should be posting elsewhere, don't you agree?

    matchboxbananasynergy Any alternative operating system that you install on the Pixel will give the same message.

    Of course. But my point is that a GrapheneOS page showing up against Google's destination page would give GrapheneOS the marketing advantage over other alternate ROMs, as well as being helpful advocacy against Google's FUD.

    Make no mistake about it. Google is not open because their high level management want to be nice people. Their message at g.co/ABH demonstrably shows what they think of alternate ROMS and growing privacy interest and threats to their ad business. Small as it may be now, alternate ROMS like GrapheneOS start people thinking about the issues and that there are alternatives. That attitude has grow and will grow further and is a direct attack on Google's business model.

    I also suggest that others being able to provide an unlocked bootloader provides Google with a small but real defence against the increasing number of anti-trust / anti-competition lawsuits. Watch for that claim (if I haven't missed it already.)

    Respectfully, I do not agree with your changing of my Subject. It was carefully composed and appropriate and necessary for posting here. I've explained why now.

    I cannot edit my original response, so I'll follow up.

    It is because of your incorrect editing of my subject that you feel it is off topic now. It was specifically on-topic as I posted. I carefully checked that before hitting the Post button.

    @ve3jlg I apologize if my decision to modify the title of the post upset you, I promise you that it was truly not my intention.

    The reason for that is that I didn't want people who would see that title and nothing else to get the wrong idea and think that Google is saying something specifically about GrapheneOS, which would be a completely different story.

    In order to get a better idea of what you have in mind, could you please lay out what the page you're proposing would look like?

      matchboxbananasynergy could you please lay out what the page you're proposing would look like?

      I will work on this in the next few days. Wording is critical here (you understand that) so I do not want to just toss something out casually.