GrapheneOS Apps (app repository client) version 9 released:
See the linked release notes for a summary of the improvements over the previous release and a link to the full changelog.
GrapheneOS Apps (app repository client) version 9 released:
See the linked release notes for a summary of the improvements over the previous release and a link to the full changelog.
Am I the only user who cannot see any available update in the Apps app?
Understood. I think this is one thing that confuses everyone until they figure out how GrapheneOS does it, including myself. OS and app releases go through a few stages before they're in the stable channel. I think release announcements are when apps/OS releases are in alpha.
And something I forgot to mention. I think the new Apps release uses APIs added in the newest OS release, so if you're going to change to beta for Apps, you might want to change to beta for your OS channel too.
At least for the OS itself you could have a look to to figure out in which release channel a particular release is currently deployed.
Just checked for updates inside of Apps and it's offered via the stable channel.
Now it looks different after the update :)