Kindly recommend me an open-source app that can scan a multi-pages printed or handwritten document, and produce a multi-pages PDF. I have tried OpenScan which simply fails to generate a PDF, and Open Note Scanner which attempts to download something from the Internet.

  • abcZ replied to this.

    I've been using OpenScan without issue. Are you getting a specific error message when exporting to PDF?

    All of the FOSS solutions that I found would be considered outdated and abandoned (OpenScan appears to be in this category as well unfortunately).

    Microsoft Lens works well without network permissions, if you are willing to compromise on the FOSS element.

      mythodical When I go to Export > Save to device, it tells me "Failed to generate pdf. Please try again". I would very much like to find a FOSS app for this purpose. The only closed-source apps I use are for my bank and stock broker in a separate profile, I would prefer not to add another such app.

        Harald Hm, that sounds like you haven't granted OpenScan any storage permissions. In my case, I use storage scopes to grant access to a sub-directory in Documents.

        Settings > Apps > OpenScan > Storage scopes > Add folder

          Harald Open Note Scanner wants to download OpenCV Manager, which is open source. Look into it.

          I use Docus, it's minimal but it does the job

          Harald I just tested out some conditions to see if I could reproduce your error but ultimately wasn't able to.

          I uninstalled the app, reinstalled it, declined all storage prompts, allowed camera, took a pic and was still able to export it directly toDocuments/OpenScan/PDFwithout issue.

          Edit: just to confirm we're talking about the same app:

            mythodical Yes, I confirm it is the same app. I have version 2.2.0 from the Aurora (GPlay) store. Uninstall, reinstall, there is no difference. If I tap the PDF button it will open in the GrapheneOS PDF viewer, where I can save it as a PDF file, so this seems to be a (somewhat clunky) work-around.

              Harald this one really has me stumped. It's such a simple, no-frills app that there's not much else I can do to sort it out.

              If your chosen file manager provides a Share component, a slightly quicker workaround would be to use Export > Share PDF > Save To...

              For example, both Syncthing and Simple File Manager provide Save to... options in share menus.

              2 years later

              I was able to reproduce the issue for saving to device, but not sure what the issue is or how to fix. A workaround that works very well is just selecting "pdf" icon after the scan, which opens the pdf in my web browser, which has the option "Download" which does work.