Under battery usage, there is media server - right know showing 9% battery usage since last full charge. I cannot find any info on what this is or what it does.


    I don't see that one on my phone. Can you let us know the package name? You can find it by going to settings > apps > all apps > media server. Go to the bottom of the screen and under app details it'll say something like com.company.mediaserver under the version number.

    That seems to be part of the issue, I don't appear to have a media server app installed

    I can't add a screen print right now so will try to figure that out


      Media Server sounded familiar so I did a quick search and found that others say they've had the same problems. Mostly others were suggesting there was likely a corrupt file causing something to go haywire. Some suggested deleting media off of the phone, others said just restarting fixed the issue for them, and others suggested factory resetting the phone.

      Thanks for the info. I've already restarted the phone - no help. Will delete the media off of phone next, and if that does not help - will try a factory reset

      For now please tag this as resolved. Deleting all media seems to have worked ( music files from my thumb drive were the only media on phone ). Will try to figure out what the corruption is

      Thanks again !

      Nope, spoke too soon - it's back. Time for a factory reset. Will update once set up is complete

      Okay so it's been two hours since reset and full battery charge. Before, media server would show up in battery usage within the first 2 to 3% of usage.

      So far so good - no media server usage. Will track and update as required. Factory reset appears to have worked for me


        Honestly, I'm a bit amazed you factory reset so readily. It's such a pain to go through all that with a personal device. Hopefully media server doesn't come up again for you.

        So have completed a full battery usage and subsequent charging. Media server has not reappeared, so would consider solved.

        I am not a super user - have a total of 30 apps in my app drawer - including GOS apps. I try to beta test new releases when I can and have gone back and forth with PixelOS (stock) more than a few times. All in, takes me about an hour to complete my set-up

        Again, thanks for the help