First of all, I'm a first time graphene user for about a week now and loving it so far!

I've come over from samsung, where there is the option to reverse the navigation buttons (back button on the right and app windows on left). I've read that this is unfortunately not an option on pixels/stock android, but I'm wondering if this is something that could be possible on GOS? As it seems like it could just be a small thing but improve familiarity/usability for samsung users moving over.

One other thing to note, that may have already been raised? Is that the fingerprint unlock doesn't work on secondary user profiles 95% of the time. On owner profile it works 95% of the time, I'm not sure if there is something I can do to fix this.

Please let me know if theres a better place to raise bugs/things like this to help developers.


    tripodchief I've come over from samsung, where there is the option to reverse the navigation buttons (back button on the right and app windows on left). I've read that this is unfortunately not an option on pixels/stock android, but I'm wondering if this is something that could be possible on GOS?

    As it stands right now, GrapheneOS doesn't have enough developers to make these kinds of changes without falling behind on security/privacy improvements and sandboxed Google Play plans.

    tripodchief Is that the fingerprint unlock doesn't work on secondary user profiles 95% of the time. On owner profile it works 95% of the time, I'm not sure if there is something I can do to fix this.

    I don't have that issue. When I have repeated false negatives, I've found that deleting the fingerprint then adding it again will fix the problem.

    tripodchief One other thing to note, that may have already been raised? Is that the fingerprint unlock doesn't work on secondary user profiles 95% of the time. On owner profile it works 95% of the time, I'm not sure if there is something I can do to fix this

    I am also experiencing this: not that the fingerprint doesn't work - it does, but there is a huge delay in fingeprint prompt window when using it in 2 profiles. As far as I remember, someone opened a ticked on github but it seems it was closed as not planned.