Starting today, sending SMS on tmobile (Google Messages) often, but not always, fails for me. Error code 111.
Anyone else experience this?
Starting today, sending SMS on tmobile (Google Messages) often, but not always, fails for me. Error code 111.
Anyone else experience this?
Will report tomorrow, get back into town and reinstalling since the wifi calling fix has been pushed.
Update, I haven't experienced any issues with sending sms via TMobile.
Is it still happening for you, if so it may be a network issue in your area or account.
On Monday evening I had loads of issues with T-Mo. Even after leaving off for a while, then restarting and all the usual Airplane Mode ons/offs I had issues with SMS, Phone calls, and Data.
My assumption is it was a bad PRL (Preferred Roaming List - essentially a list of cell towers and capabilities) that was eventually updated.