jumpdeer Starting today, sending SMS on tmobile (Google Messages) often, but not always, fails for me. Error code 111. Anyone else experience this?
Shendai jumpdeer I've sent & received SMS messages today using Signal, both encrypted & unencrypted, over T-Mobile. I don't use Messages, so cannot comment on that. No errors or fails in the last few days+.
Aaron jumpdeer On Monday evening I had loads of issues with T-Mo. Even after leaving off for a while, then restarting and all the usual Airplane Mode ons/offs I had issues with SMS, Phone calls, and Data. My assumption is it was a bad PRL (Preferred Roaming List - essentially a list of cell towers and capabilities) that was eventually updated.
[deleted] Will report tomorrow, get back into town and reinstalling since the wifi calling fix has been pushed.
[deleted] Update, I haven't experienced any issues with sending sms via TMobile. Is it still happening for you, if so it may be a network issue in your area or account.