Fartimoji Our network location feature provides an opt-in toggle for detecting location based on retrieving the location of nearby Wi-Fi networks from a service. Compared to satellite-based location (GNSS), this is much more power efficient, quicker to get an initial estimate and works where there isn't satellite reception. We provide a choice between Apple's services and a GrapheneOS service proxying to their service. We're building our own database of Wi-Fi networks and cell towers in order to provide our own service. Our service will also have offline support added to it similar to how you can download maps for Organic Maps to use offline. You'll be able to download a database of Wi-Fi networks and/or cell towers for an area from our service for offline usage.
Network location is a standard feature in iOS and Android with Google Mobile Services integration. People are used to having it enabled and expect location to work indoors, etc.
Most apps support network location via the fused location provider able to use both satellite-based and network-based location. However, apps choose the power mode they want and most use a low power mode where satellite-based location won't be used unless needed. This is why it can save a lot of power. Many apps are written to assume network-based location is available and don't want long enough for satellite-based location to get an estimate. This means having it improves app compatibility.
It was already possible to use Google Play's network location on GrapheneOS for apps which use the Google Play location service directly, but now there's going to be little reason to use that since people can simply use ours. Using the Google Play network location service required multiple steps: disabling the sandboxed Google Play location rerouting toggle to have apps using it directly send their requests to it instead of the OS, enabling background Location for Google Play services and enabling their network location service through their menu for it. Wi-Fi and Bluetooth scanning toggles are also relevant in the same way Wi-Fi scanning toggle is relevant to our service (just read the description, it just makes it so apps with Nearby Devices / Location can do scans when Wi-Fi / Bluetooth are otherwise off).