Hello everyone. I need your help with a problem I've been having for a while: I'm having a hell of a time integrating anti-fingerprinting methods and using a VPN/Tor into my everyday life.
I'm someone who's already made a lot of changes to improve my privacy, but there are still these two things that I'm desperately unable to integrate for several reasons:
- VPN and Tor bring up captchas all the time and that drives me crazy.
- The problem of compromised Tor exit nodes freaks me out, so I don't feel like using Tor to connect to my accounts, for example.
- if I understand correctly, the fight against fingerprinting includes using as few browser extensions as possible (Tor even advises against using uBlock, which is unthinkable for me). I have to use several extensions (my password manager, ublock and firefox container for the "core 3" ones I can't delete because of convenience reasons), how can I use them without making me identifiable ? Are there any ways to even fight against a type of profiling no longer based on cookies/tags/tracking pixels (all of which can be mitigated) but on the hardware characteristics of my PC, my screen and my browser?
Thank you in advance !