Did anybody find a QR code acanner for GrapheneOS? I installed some from f-droid, but these never managed to scan any QR codes. e.g the eSim QR code from SpeedTest Ookla.

Are there any optio s I need to enable to get QR code scanning?


    shbsssn the GrapheneOS camera is able to scan QR codes. If you need a good app that can do more, use BinaryEye. I consider it the GOAT of QR scanning apps.

    shbsssn AS @DeletedUser87 said you can use the GrapheneOS camera for scanning from camera. Pixel Camera supports this too (no GPS or Google Lens is required for just QR).

    If you also want to scan QR codes in you gallery and generate QR codes, you can use Image Toolbox, BinaryEye or BarcodeScanner.

    qr scanner is included in the gos camera.. is the last mode on the left.

      shbsssn There is not default camera. I had to install the FOSSify Camera. What is a GOS Camera?

      There is a camera app that comes with GrapheneOS. It's just called Camera. You can't uninstall it, or even disable it.

      When you open it, across the bottom of the screen, there is a row of modes that can be selected: QR scan, night, camera, and video.

        Probably9857 Did you watch my links in my last post. Those clearly show that Camera is not installed. I didn't post them for fun.

          shbsssn Did you watch my links in my la

          No, that post wasn't there when I started composing my post. (Or else it was edited.)

          I'd suggest being less rude to people who are trying to help you.

            Probably9857 Apologies. I had thought you had read my post.

            Do my videos make sense, or am I on the wrong track?


              It looks like you are on a very old version of GrapheneOS. (I hadn't noticed the Pixel 5 tag previously.)

              If you aren't on the latest version for your device, then you should update.

              Then if you can, try to install the Camera from the GrapheneOS app store.

              I'm not sure what will be possible on an extended support release though.

              Best advice would be to get a supported device if you can.

                Probably9857 Hi,

                Yes I have got a Pixel5 with whatever the latest release was.

                The built in Grapheneos app store has not got a lot in it. Only Google Play/gms etc., was available.

                I cannot afford to buy a replacement phone.

                I have got a bad feeling that I will have to abandon GrapheneOS, because I need to read a QR code to install an eSIM.

                Update: I just did a refresh on rhe GOS App and found the Camera, and installed it. Fab.

                The esim from Ookra Speedtest hung on "Checking network info..."


                  Do you have esim support enabled?

                  Settings > Network & internet > esim support

                    I need to find out if this is a hardware problem or something else.
                    I am going to flash stock android and see if esim works.

                    Can I flash stock factory image with fastboot as usual?

                    Self help:

                    Yes, I can.

                    Just do a "fastboot erase avb_custom_key" beforehand the factory zip image is installed.

                    I wiped the user data and reset the phone to test if I can use a SIM with it:

                    $ fastboot flashall -w
                    ERROR: could not clear output pipe; result e00002ed, ignoring....
                    ERROR: usb_write failed with status e00002c0
                    getvar:version-bootloader                          FAILED (Write to device failed (No such file or directory))
                    ERROR: usb_write failed with status e00002c0
                    getvar:version-baseband                            FAILED (Write to device failed (No such file or directory))
                    ERROR: usb_write failed with status e00002c0
                    getvar:serialno                                    FAILED (Write to device failed (No such file or directory))
                    fastboot: error: ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT not set

                    I got to test eSim with fresh GrapheneOS install.
                    It launcher SIM Manager, scanned the Speedtest QR code, and then complained that it was invalid.

                    Is my phone SIM locked? I have never put a SIM in it before. It was always on wifi.

                    I got it second hand from Amazon.de. The phone was sold in Germany, but it could well be SIM locked.

                    Germany has not got any laws prohibiting SIM locking, but I had thought the practice uncommon. Could this be the problem.

                      shbsssn what exactly is your issue now? You can't flash the phone to GOS/Stock Android or...? I also don't understand what the eSIM has to do with flashing the phone.

                      sorry, this thread just got a bit off-topic as I explored what went wrong.
                      The first post is titled "QR Code scanning", and it is about scanning an eSIM QR code.

                      1. I tried to scan an eSIM QR code but it did not work. This was because the GOS camera was not installed. I install the camera eSIM could be scanned but I got a network error.

                      2. step two was to try and get the Sim working but I couldn't so my solution was to re-reset the device to factory defaults and test eSIM, or install stock android and test eSIM.

                      3. I Wiped the data and tried again on Grapheneos, but got a Sim error.
                        this is led me to wonder if the phone is Sim locked

                      Current state of this thread:
                      I still plan to install android stock. I wonder if there is a specific message that GrapheneOS will show if I try to insert a SIM and the phone is sim locked.