• General
  • British journalist facing years in prison for not giving his GOS Password

final super informative answer overvall but I did take issue with saying things like

final Be a good citizen and don't break the law. Stay out of trouble, seriously.

When the context of the article is a journalist trying to protect his sources. Laws are not always just and following them does not always make you a good citizen.

IksNorTen Yes but you can also be charged with destruction of evidence and face years in jail too?

Does the phone say that the duress code was entered? If not, then it was just a "malfunction".

    secrec and you think that matters to LE in the UK (silent prayer)? As far as I am aware, they will take circumstantial evidence happily if it suits their case, provided that the technical ability is present on device (running GOS) and can be proven (by boot key hash). As it was already stated multiple times, the duress PIN is not a "get out of jail free" card. It's more of a "don't go for life because what is on the phone is worse".

    Blastoidea Based on the experiences of a long (so far) life, I don’t think telling the police “fuck you” should be a crime.

    Might not be a crime... what is certain, its not a good idea.

      • Edited

      xuid0 I'm with you and I bring the music via NWA

      Have you tried clicking your link after posting this comment?


        Sorry no my mistake it was meant to link to an NWA song on YouTube directly. I must have pasted the wrong link or formatted the link incorrectly. Any chance that post could be deleted? Thanks.

          It can just be edited to remove the part before the YouTube address at the end of the link and it works fine (unless xuid still wants it deleted). @akc3n