Yes, I have a few far-stretched questions:

  1. Is there a way to check system logs to see what caused the call?
  2. Could this be a hardware glitch or something with the baseband?
  3. Can it be GOS bug or AOSP call app bug?
  4. Has anyone else had this happen with GOS? At least @zxc276 parents with some old stock android?
  5. Are there any known bugs or relatad changes in recent updates that might explain this?
  6. Could the hardware like baseband have triggered the call accidentally?
  7. Is there a chance of external interference like SIM hacking or an exploit?
  8. Is there a way to make sure no malware has caused this?

Did OP actually see the phone make this call?

Sorry if I missed it.

  • geb2 replied to this.

    Blastoidea Yes the phone was on the table and then suddenly the call was on with the phone speaker enabled.

      Let's not jump to too many conclusions here. I would argue that this is a software or firmware bug. If it was an exploit or similar, why would they make the call? It would clearly set of an alarm in the owner of the device (you) and the recipient. That would make the bad actor to reveal themselves, and ruin their access. So I would think this is a unlikely scenario.

      2 months later

      After a thorough investigation I believe this is a software glitch in GOS or AOSP Dialer.

        geb2 is that number im your contacts? do you setup contact scopes?

        I've never seen any phone starting a call by itself. but i have clearly seen records of unauthorized calls in my device's call log

        geb2 It is not a bug in the Dialer app. It sounds much more like you installed a malware app and granted it accessibility permissions. Doesn't mean the device is compromised.