Yes sure:
In my post I already did a lot of testing: "I’ve relocked the bootloader, disabled OEM unlocking, disabled iodeBlocker disabled developer options all together [...]"
and i did never use any third part WhatsApp client. I know however, that WhatsApp is unhappy on how old my phone is since ive got a warning that whatsapp will be disabled for me in may. Through the "contact us" button im also certain that they detected my Jailbreak (they refuse any Help cause of it).
I tried to register to a diffrent phone number from my iode phone, which worked. So its dependent on my WA Account/my old phone. But IodeOS/Custom roms are still the isssue, since registering an old samsung to my phonenumber worked without issue.
I am guessing: Since my account has been flagged somehow (Jailbreak, old ios version, blocked WA updated even though im now on the newest version) whatsapp does some extra checks when registering a new phone to that number. The stock samsung one clears them, while the Custom Rom (IodeOS) fails them. This then triggers the Error we have been seeing.
in the replies to my post ive also checked the difference in play integrity/SafetyNet. SefetyNet checks pass the same way on both phones. Basic play integrity passes and strong Integrity fails on both phones.
But the custom rom phone fails device integrity while the stock samsung one passes.
please let me know if any more tests would be helpfull, since im sadly planing to revert to stock android