
i was thinking of switching to Alpha Updates in the GrapheneOS Store and eventually System too. But I'm worried if I switch the System Updates to Alpha, that it could end in an Loop or that maybe I can lost Data, because it is not stable. But those are only my thoughts, which I'm not sure, if those can happen. I want to get the Alpha Updates, but at the same time, not loose any Data or end in an loop and needing to do factory reset. If I get some Bugs etc. it is no problem for me.

I hope someone can clarify for me, before I enable it. Since I'm new to GrapheneOS, I have no experience with it.

    DeletedUser34 I want to get the Alpha Updates, but at the same time, not loose any Data or end in an loop and needing to do factory reset.

    Given the level of concern expressed about possible negative effects, can you say more about the motivation for receiving OS updates via the alpha-release channel?

      DeletedUser34 you get the same features in stable 2-3 days later. Beta-channel is the option in the middle.

      Dataloss -> Backups
      Broken updates -> A/B boot kicks in and if that fails too, you can sideload the next update with the fix.

      If sideloading an update and doing regular backups are no problems for you, there's no reason remaining to not use alpha-channel.

      Generally are dataloss or boot failure very rare. The biggest "problem" is reduced availability. E.g. an update breaks Bluetooth and developing the fix requires five days, => you need to life five days w/o Bluetooth.