I have been trying to use the voip app from Satellite (German provider) for a few months now. Unfortunately, I cannot accept incoming calls. Could it be a specific problem with GrapheneOS?

    Dan-cer I doubt it. Because I use satellite too and I already asked them via Mail about this Issue. I guess it is more an App Problem/Issue. But I can tell you, that normally I get most Calls. Only a few of them were not shown up as incoming call and are not shown inside of the App too. And there is this Problem with Calls that get shown late too. Like for example someone called you a few hours ago and you had Internet off. When you enable Internet, then it shows as incoming call. This is a Bug/Problem too, which I told them already. But they wanted to know who I did call to but I told them that this is against my Privacy, which they understood.

    But please write them via Mail, which you can look up in the Support Area in the App. Ask the chat there for the Mail. And submit this Problem to them too, that it get fixed faster. The more People ask, the more serious they take it. And tell them about the second Problem too, which I mentioned, that it get's fixed too.

      DeletedUser34 Thanks for the tips. I am already in contact with the support by mail. I am making the above request here in parallel. Their support already knows that I use GOS...

        2 months later

        Did you find a solution? I have the same issue, that incoming calls get directly forwarded to the mailbox. I can call people without any issue.

        I contacted the support and they even checked the log files from their app. But they told me they found nothing and that I am the only one who reporteted that issue.

        Answer Satellite Support in german:

        aktuell lässt sich für uns nicht klären, wo genau der Fehler zustande kommt. Wir haben auch noch keine anderen Meldungen dazu erhalten und warten jetzt ab, ob sich das Problem häuft. Vielleicht erkennen wir dann, welche Stellschraube wir nochmal festziehen müssen. Ich danke dir in jedem Fall, dass du das Problem gemeldet hast!

        Translated with Deepl

        We are currently unable to clarify where exactly the error is occurring. We have not yet received any other reports and are now waiting to see whether the problem has become more frequent. Perhaps we will then be able to see which adjustment screw we need to tighten again. In any case, thank you for reporting the problem!

        In the meantime, I was able to answer the call once. But the next time it was the same problem again.

        Do you mind reporting that issue (again) to their support? Maybe they'll dig a bit deeper if 2-3 people report the same issue. I also told them that I am using GOS.

        4 days later

        So, I found the problem - at least on my phone. Its missing Permissions. When I gave the following permissions, the app worked as expected

        Google Play Services:

        • Network
        • Notifications
        • Phone
        • Sensors

        Hope it'll work for you too! I'll write them nevertheless to motivate to stop using Google services ;)

          ZoraIsHere I have even more authorizations granted. But it still doesn't work. It rings and when I answer, the word "Connecting..." appears briefly. Then an error message appears.

            Dan-cer Mhm. Does the satellite app itself has all permissions needed? And are you trying to call the satellite number from your phone where sattelite is installed or another phone? Maybe also setting App Battery usage to unrestricted at Google Play services might help

              ZoraIsHere Yes, the satellite app has all the necessary permissions. The problem only exists when I am called on the satellite number. If I call out in the opposite direction, everything works.
              Battery usage is unrestricted already.