604959zd yes, is a know workaround, but for sure it doesn't work forever
Revolut mobile finance - not supported on devices with custom firmware problem
10.56.2 just got released. Still no difference?
krysor not on my side with 10.56.2: still working on the profile where I already was logged in but NOT working on a separate profile where I am trying to setup the app ("custom firmware restriction" error message during login).
krysor 10.56.2 just got released. Still no difference?
Still no dice.
On the note of contacting Revolut, it appears that their Play Store responses are quickly dismissing reports which solely complain that the app is blocking custom Android OSs. Reports which describe GrapheneOS are getting actual engagement, in the sense that they want to contact the reporter and open a ticket. So it's desirable if people describe to them why the message about the OS being blocked for safety reasons should not apply to GrapheneOS because of its considerable security features compared to other Android OSs out there. I suspect that Revolut support has been instructed to simply reject reports that complain about "custom OSs" being blocked, while regarding GrapheneOS they might be more unclear on whether the blocking is a mistake or not, so they're actually forwarding our feedback to the developers.
I actually think using the term "custom OS" is not even correct in the context, so I don't think we are hiding anything by not using the term: simply being an alternative OS to larger Android-based OSs does not make it more "custom" than, say, Google's stock PixelOS.
A review where Revolut dismisses a report, and reveals that the blocking is due to trying to fulfill some certification:
I love revolut and been a customer for 5-6 years. But all of the sudden, they decided to stop letting custom Android OS users use the app. This means not being able to use this bank, as everything relies exclusively on this app. I hope they change their mind about this, because it's not helping anyone, specially loyal customers.
Revolut response:
We understand that this decision is not ideal and that it affected some of our customers. However, to certify our security protocols and that our app functions as intended we had to take this difficult decision. We sorry this affected you and understand your decision not use our services through the currently supported OSs.
I just moved to grapheneos with two new pixel9 sadly recognized this issue.... on other hand all fine... so moving fw revolut works just fine on other pixel9 supported roms like calyxos (beta) and under crdrid. I do understand GOS is a more secure rom than the others but I do not think it is a matter of security... Any idea by the developers for this issue other than canned answers? Are they trying to find out the solution already?
Thank you! This works just fine! Hope there will be a normal solution soon. Till than this makes me a hope to migrate into grapheneos fully.
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PGOSUW2P9 so moving fw revolut works just fine on other pixel9 supported roms like calyxos (beta) and under crdrid.
Which version of the app did you install there?
Edit: because it would be interesting to know if Revolut doesn't actually manage to block other less secure operating systems. But if you installed and signed in with a version older than 10.56 that would explain why you weren't blocked.
The latest one by logged in play with microG . as standard as they let us install on their site....
I beleive there is something "overthinked" here by GOS about security... Anyways I gave a shoot and installing GOS now on my pixels as I find it more flawless, (however the developers there are very friendly on telegram, so I am leaving the door open for that too if GOS fail)
As far as I know Revolut is trying to get a license to operate in Italy, with an Italian IBAN, and they are having serious delays because of regulatory issues. This change could be related (even though "no custom ROMs" is definitely not an Italian regulation: I have used apps of at least 3 Italian banks on GOS without major issues).
Considering that the app developers obviously don't understand how Android phones work in the real world, maybe they would do something if you showed them that the firmware included in GrapheneOS are the same ones as stock Pixel OS... ;p
I have managed to get in touch with customer support through the app, and I got back a somewhat promising answer from them:
Thank you for your valuable insights. Revolut does indeed not work for custom Operating Systems like GrapheneOS.
I have passed this on to the Development team and hope that they take this into consideration.
I am not sure how much they might dive in into it, but I think by adding up pressure on them to allow GrapheneOS to work with Revlout, or somewhat revert their recent changes should work. It may be helpful if a lot of people complain about it. For UK users, you could add more pressure by mentioning Starling Bank, as they used to have the same problem with GOS, and they fixed it eventually.
rigel24 what would you think about microG on the grapheneOS environment?
Why and for what?
Do not waste your time with microG and private space! Here is how I have it on "normal" way:
First make sure you have all login info (phone number and 6 digit pin). Than uninsatll revolut, also from private space. If you have private space only for this it is good to remove private space too. Than go to "settings/apps/show all" and check if you still have revolut there (it is possible that you have it there but you do not see it elswhere). Uninstall from here too.
Than you are free to go to to download the older version:
Also download apkmirror installer (later you can uninstall it when above older version of Revolut is installed and works):
apkmirror installer will find downloaded package and perform install of revolut 10.54. When done, sign in and authenticate with photo.
Finally uninstall apkmirror installer and update revolut via playstore or just leave it in older version....
PGOSUW2P9 I have commented some post ago: i had no issues to login into revolut app (10.56) with crDroid in a poco x3 NFC, no root
yep it is not an issue on any other lineageos based ROM. I had no issue on calyos with Pixel9 too. Now as someone mentioned it is also works fine on GOS with this trick I have detailed above too...
PGOSUW2P9 Now as someone mentioned it is also works fine on GOS with this trick I have detailed above too...
It works fine because you are signing in using an older version of the app, which does not block you from signing in. If it is the case that version 10.56 and later work fine for signing in with and signing up to an account on LineageOS derivatives, then that is a sign that Revolut's blocking of "custom firmware" is even more misplaced than we assumed (if you're really going to block non-Google certified OSs, then at least block the ones that lag behind in privacy and security patches).
AlphaElwedritsch sorry I meant for walking arround the problem of revolut.
PGOSUW2P9 I have succesfully replicated the process, only difference is that used app manager from fdroid to install the package.
have my app running again, and have already send the complaint related to this issue... lets see if they turn in the correct direction...
This was my first thread ever in this post, and appreciate very much all the help and the info provided by everyone! what a community!
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fid02 yes, no issues on LineageOS or crDroid login into the app even in 10.56.x