Would be possible to include Find My Device app into GrapheneOS?

I completely understand this is hot and highly disputable topic, however, I believe there are some use cases when this feature could be very useful. For instance if you loose your phone and would like to locate it. And sometimes it would also be useful to have an option to remotely delete your device (before auto reboot).

There is an app that enables you to locate your phone, ring it, capture the picture remotely, wipe it, etc., and it is not using Google servers, but your own infrastructure.

You can have your own, self hosted server where the data are being collected. And data there are even encrypted, so even admin of the server can not see the data.

Here is the link: https://gitlab.com/Nulide/findmydevice

Yes, you can also send SMS to locate the device, BUT:

  • you can set so called trusted numbers that can send commands via SMS (OK, SMS could be faked)
  • BUT this feature is not enabled by default, so you do not need to use SMS transport channel at all.

App is opensource and currently actively developed.

What do you think?

I am thinking is it possible to have an option that this app will be integrated into OS in such a way, that it would run even before first unlock. Because now if you reboot the device, you cannot communicate with FindMyDevice before first unlock.

  • de0u replied to this.

    Matthai If the app supports Direct Boot, I believe it should work before first unlock regardless of where it was installed from. And if it does not support Direct Boot then shipping it with the OS won't make it work BFU.

    Matthai Also it is GPLv3, which I believe is a showstopper for the GrapheneOS team.

      If there is an interest, there should not be a problem. I mean, maybe FMD developers are willing to change the licence. This could be solved with open discussion among developers. :)

      Also, if Direct Boot is the problem, I am pretty sure that will be implemented in FMD in some reasonable future.

      I also know that they plan to implement signed releases so FMD could be included in Acrescend. I mean, there are obstacles, but could be overcome.

      I would be surprised that devs would agree to include an app whose main function is to track the user ...

        Well, you do not understand the problem.

        Yes, app is designed to track the user, BUT - and this is the key thing here - this tracking is totally under your (user's) control.

          Matthai I self-host that app, so I perfectly understand what it is for. And I still think the devs won't agree. Both for the image of a privacy-friendly OS, and for the cost of hosting it.

          OK, maybe. Interesting, on the other hand, they allow installation of Play services. Because they understand that people need some functions and it is better to provide them in privacy friendly way than just to cut them off.

          But we are just guessing. Maybe developers should say what they think?

          • de0u replied to this.

            Matthai But we are just guessing. Maybe developers should say what they think?

            The GrapheneOS developers have previously expressed reluctance to pre-install apps maintained by third parties, especially GPL'd apps, especially GPLv3.

            If the FMD developers support Direct Boot and get FMD into Accrescent, then GrapheneOS users will have a trusted-path way to install FMD with a few taps. That seems as if it would be a reasonable solution.

            Yea, that would be nice. I already opened tickets for both and it seems they are willing to develop this.

            I would feel very bad if they include FindMyDevice and not Ntfy.

            I agree. Ntfy is also very important.