
I need the Google Services only for Telegram at the moment.

Suppose that I don't use an email address with the Google services, which reduces drastically the tracking and info association, can this process reduce my anonymity level when using Wifi?

I also disabled the Satellite based info, and I wonder why they are not disabled by default.
Location is completely disabled, but I would never grant that to Google anyway.

for what is worth, you do not need play services to use telegram.
you can use telegram-foss from f-droid
it does notably this:

Replacement of non-FOSS, untrustworthy or suspicious binaries or source code:

Do location sharing with OpenStreetMap(osmdroid) instead of Google Maps
Use Noto emoji set instead of Apple's emoji
Google Play Services GCM replaced with Telegram's push service

i use it without google services at all. it works okay.


    m4ri0g thank you, I installed the version from their website, so they don't ship the FOSS version...

    In another conversation I was recommended to install the Gservices as it's required by the app that you install from Google Play, so I guess that both Google Play and the standard version from their website have the same Google dependent version...

    What do you think about the anonymity level instead?

    m4ri0g Thank you for the hint, I was able to succeed in the following way:

    1. Install and activate the Gservices (3 in total and downloaded from the stock App Store of GrapheneOS)

    2. Download Telegram from Aurora, I didn't succeed with the version downloaded from their official website, weird but it is what it is

    3. Register your account, maybe better to login also in the web

    4. Disable the GServices but keep this Telegram version, I didn't succeed to use the FOSS version, it didn't send the code notification to the other app, or probably that needed to be in a different GrapheneOS profile. Whatever, I lost patience and I keep using the official app from the Google Play Store. I don't know if there is a way to receive the SMS instead of the App notification, but it didn't happen to me...

    Regarding the real goal of this thread, I saw that Google Services don't have access to any harmful permission, plus they are permanently disabled once you disable them, so you won't see them ON at the next reboot, fantastic.