Hi to all, in my country they don't sell pixel devices. I'm planning on importing one and the price difference between both devices pixel 6 and pixel 7 is minimum.
But I know development from GOS for pixel 7 is still in it's early days and i've heard that pixel doesn't support 32bit software well and I use some modded apks for Whatsapp and Instagram.

So in your opinion one should today acquire the 6 or the 7 to be its mainly device for the next 4 years?
Thanks in advance


    Either should be fine. Pixel 6 was released a little over a year ago, so it has 4 years left of support. Pixel 7 has 5 years.

    The GrapheneOS build for Pixel 7 is no longer considered "experimental" and many on this forum are using Pixel 7s with GrapheneOS as their daily driver.

    By all accounts, the two models are pretty much the same, with some improvements in the Pixel 7. I personally have a Pixel 6 and haven't had any problems with it.

    Pixel 7 is 64-bit only. There aren't many 32-bit apps out now. Although I haven't actually checked, WhatsApp and Instagram are sure to be 64-bit. If you got a Pixel 7, the only apps that wouldn't work would be super old apps that haven't been updated in a very long time.

    Ultimately, it's up to you which one to get. If I were buying a new phone now I'd get the 7 because it's newer, has some hardware upgrades/improvements, and will be supported for a year longer than the older version.

    Alisson911 As you pointed out, the price differential between the P6 and P7 is minimal. Given this, why buy last years technology when for nearly the same cost you can get this years? I have been use the P7 Pro as my daily drivers since "experimental" GOS support was announced. Although I have seen some posts of other users having some minor issues, I have not experienced this. It has been rock solid for me.

    Really depends on the final cost. I purchased a new p6p 2 months ago for less than $500. So for that savings the 6 made More sense than the minor improvements in the 7. If the 7 is only $100 more then it probably makes more sense