Hey everyone,

I searched for this and couldn't find any answers. I used a 7a for a few months without this issue, but after upgrading to the 9, every hour or so, I'll get a notification when listening to music at high volume with "headphones" on (it's an aux cable plugged into my car). How would I disable this warning? I long pressed on the notification, and I can't turn them off.

    What happens when you tap on it? Does it bring you to a settings page?

      pml Yep, it brings me to the sound & vibration page, but not much else.

      One way I can think of disabling this is via adb.
      This can be easily done in SystemUI Tuner

        frostcrackle every hour or so, I'll get a notification when listening to music at high volume with "headphones" on (it's an aux cable plugged into my car).

        What does the notification say, exactly? That info might help in understanding the problem.

        pml One way I can think of disabling this is via adb.
        This can be easily done in SystemUI Tuner

        Using adb within the OS is discouraged, as explained here, and I think that would be a last resort – I'd personally argue it's not something that should be attempted at all – as the OP would be exposing their device to security risks.

        Trusting a computer with ADB access within the OS […] exposes the device to a huge amount of attack surface and control by the trusted computer.

          fid02 Sorry I don't remember exactly. Something like "Audio has been lowered to safer levels."


          The link I posted is to a pull request that should properly disable Safe Volume on 9th generation Pixels, like it is already disabled on all other devices. It just hasn't been merged into GrapheneOS yet.