Good day.

As some of you know, Google Maps' Timeline feature is undergoing a change: data will be transitioned away from Google-hosted and towards each device having the Maps app. Google is issuing warning e-mail and visiting the Timeline feature outside of the app (inside of a web-browser) yields a prominent warning. One of the articles is here. That article indicates that a "push-notification" will be received when using the app, which will presumably present the "opt-in" choice to move/store the data on one's device.

Firstly, if one's Maps app is too old, one must update to at least the minimum version specified in the article: 11.106.

Secondly, if one updates the app (I updated to the latest-available Maps; beyond the version mentioned above) to satisfy the aforementioned, those push-notifications appear to have no greater than a weekly schedule, so one might need to wait for that long before receiving the "notification."

Thirdly, for my GrapheneOS device, upon activating (tapping) the notification, the Maps app will load the Timeline feature (I see it "Going back in time...") but just as soon as it's loaded, a "Can't open Timeline on this type of device" message appears, along with other text explaining that the device isn't supported. This message is incorrect because the Timeline feature works just fine. It seems that this message is simply what is yielded when something goes wrong while using the Timeline feature.

Presumably, what's supposed to happen is after loading the Timeline feature, some page will arrive and will probe about whether or not I want to move/store my Timeline history on my device. I've never seen the actual step, so I don't know for certain. I can't reach that stage.

I tried using logcat to investigate and it seems that Maps tries to engage with a Vanadium web-view and experiences an error:
09-05 23:14:03.589 1281 1723 I ActivityManager: Start proc for {}
09-05 23:14:03.731 22807 22807 W ART APEX data files are untrusted.
09-05 23:14:03.823 22807 22807 D Time zone APEX ICU file found: /apex/
09-05 23:14:03.823 22807 22807 D I18n APEX ICU file found: /apex/
09-05 23:14:03.867 22807 22807 E Unable to find pattern file or unable to map it for am
09-05 23:14:03.943 22807 22807 W unable to execute idmap2: Permission denied
09-05 23:14:03.944 22807 22807 W OverlayConfig: 'idmap2 create-multiple' failed: no mutable="false" overlays targeting "android" will be loaded
09-05 23:14:03.952 22807 22807 W ziparchive: Unable to open '/product/app/TrichromeLibrary/': No such file or directory
09-05 23:14:03.952 22807 22807 W ziparchive: Unable to open '/product/app/TrichromeLibrary/': No such file or directory
09-05 23:14:03.952 22807 22807 W Entry not found
09-05 23:14:03.955 22807 22807 D nativeloader: classloader namespace configured for unbundled product apk. library_path=/product/app/TrichromeWebView/lib/arm64:/product/app/TrichromeWebView/TrichromeWebView.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a:/product/app/TrichromeLibrary/TrichromeLibrary.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a:/product/lib64:/system/product/lib64
09-05 23:14:03.974 22807 22807 D nativeloader: classloader namespace configured for unbundled product apk. library_path=/product/app/TrichromeWebView/lib/arm64:/product/app/TrichromeWebView/TrichromeWebView.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a:/product/app/TrichromeLibrary/TrichromeLibrary.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a:/product/lib64:/system/product/lib64
09-05 23:14:03.998 22807 22807 I LoadedApk: No resource references to update in package app.vanadium.trichromelibrary
09-05 23:14:04.005 22807 22807 I cr_WebViewApkApp: Launched version=106.0.5249.65 minSdkVersion=29 isBundle=false
09-05 23:14:04.018 22807 22807 E WebViewLibraryLoader: can't load with relro file; address space not reserved

I'm not certain of the relevance of the above, but it was consistent for each attempt. Other detail was also present, including an SQLite "unique constraint" error.

I reluctantly tried updating my Google Pixel 6a to the latest version of GrapheneOS, but the situation did not change, after that. (As usual, every software change can result in a cascading failure: software developers seem mostly ignorant of how UI changes are not universally desirable. After reverting my GrapheneOS to get back to the UI that is already burned into my brain, it seems the Apps and [updated to] App Store apps no longer show the Google software, so it was a battle to obtain the few sand-boxed Google item again. I also learned about how Vanadium book-marks are not part of a SeedVault backup, so those 90 items were lost. I do not understand why security, non-quite-security-related bug-fixes, UI changes and feature-additions/feature-changes aren't separate update-tracks; the state of modern, limited-resource software engineering, it seems.)

If anyone recognizes some of the logcat output above or if anyone has some suggestions, I welcome feedback, please. I am interesting in continuing to use Google Maps' Timeline feature and to preserve my history, but it seems that I am blocked by an incompatibility between Maps' "opt-in" process and GrapheneOS, with the Dec. 8th, 2024 dead-line soon approaching.

Thank you for your time and reading-effort.

    sha0 ART APEX data files are untrusted.

    sha0 OverlayConfig: 'idmap2 create-multiple' failed: no mutable="false" overlays targeting "android" will be loaded

    I wonder if this is a dynamic code loading (DCL) rejection?

    5 days later

    sha0 I'm not a technical user, but the following forum has already been started in regards to issues with Google's data migration to on device storage:

    I and it seems a few other Grapheme OS users have not had the error message you describe, but have had other issues we're troubleshooting in the above cited link/post.