• [deleted]

Hello to all the community, I have a problem with the instagram webapp, I install it as webapp and start session, and it stays on a blank page, I have also tried without webapp and the result is the same, I have also tried the pc version of the page, I have tried with the exploit compatibility activated, with the same result, nothing new. Then I tried with brave, all the above again, and nothing worked. I prefer to use the webapp for privacy, it is the first service I try on webapp, for more information, I use ivpn, I have tried different servers, and for what it's worth, in the address bar it says “challenge” in addition to the url of instagram, I guess it is a captcha that does not load. Thanks in advance

  • [deleted]

I also use insta through vanadium.
It works fine.
I installed it as a webapp to test and it is also fine.

Could your VPN be blocked?

    • [deleted]

    [deleted] SOLVED: I removed the antitracker from the vpn, then I tried server by server, deleting all the vanadium data between each attempt, finally I was able to log in, and I put the antitracker back on, everything works fine, even if I change to any server.