Which of these phones provides more privacy and security:

Librem 5
Fairphone 4 MurenaOS
Pixel + GrapheneOS

Do you have any experience with either of these models?

    Seeing as you're posting this on GrapheneOS's community forum, you know the obvious answer.

    • N1b replied to this.
      • Edited

      Ehm... If you check the GrapheneOS website and this forum you'll quickly see that...

      • Librem is absolutely not secure (and therefore not private). It's also a scam, so if you desperately want an insecure Linux phone take the PinePhone.
      • Fairphone is lacking in on time security updates, has some bad security standards and can't provide the full update support they promise. They have great environmental ethics, but for privacy and security enthusiasts it's not worth it. Also there's a much improved Fairphone 5 by now if you really want one.
      • Pixel + GrapheneOS has the most secure and private hardware and software, bar none. If it is what you want, you won't find anything else out there. Disadvantages are that you are limited to Pixel devices and that Google Pay plus some banking apps will not work (check the pinned app compatibility thread on this forum). Also make sure you buy a more recent device which is still updated (check the official FAQ site to see what's recommended and how long it'll last you).

      I could add more things but will go to bed now. Probably others will fill out the blanks and help you with your questions, I'll be back tomorrow.

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      ErnestThornhill they could have posted this in all 3 communities, so it's not obvious (only after some research, because yes GrapheneOS is the obvious answer but it's not because of his choice of internet forum).

        N1b only after some research, because yes GrapheneOS is the obvious answer

        Yes. That's what I was basing my answer on: That they did their own research instead of relying solely on a stranger's answer.

        • N1b likes this.

        recent Pixel with GrapheneOS with a HUGE margin, its not even a comparison.

        • Librem phones dont allow you to update the firmware of the device so they can get some kind of meaningless definition that they are "free" from the FSF

        updates are essential for security, and actively preventing updating a device means no security

        no hardware secure element means no verified boot, no chain of trust for certificates, its as insecure as any PC.

        Without strong Security there is no privacy. I am a happy owner of a Pixel 7 with GrapheneOS and it is a great experience for me. I would never get a new phone that is not able to run GrapheneOS. I would love to get a Pixel 9 for the hardware memory tagging, but my P7 is still too new to justify such an expense.

        I am sure there will be others here on the forum to chime in on the topic, but from what I read so far since I started looking into GrapheneOS as an option (way before I got a pixel+Graphene) there are not many phones (if any) that can match a Pixel with GrapheneOS in terms of security.

        (I hope I did not wrote anything wrong, if i did, corrections are welcome. )

        Thank you so much for your time, helpful answers and detailed explanations. You dispelled all doubts!