Hey, just needed some advice on what phone to purchase if anyone can share any experiences of using a fold vs a normal phone? What are the pros and cons.

The main part of the fold I am worried about is it not being comfortable using it while folded but the productivity of it being unfolded with the large screen would be awesome and if desktop mode comes soon it would be awesome.

Any help would be appreciated!! Looking forward to hearing use cases

    • [deleted]

    BraveDuck When you actually use one, you will find yourself using the big screen less for multitasking than you'd expect. Media consumption is not better becuase you will have black bars and the phone is far less durable than a standard one. It also costs twice as much without any clear advantage except for a few nieche usecases once a month.
    If they made a flip version, that would be nice because it would have a real purpose. If you look at some reviews of the galaxy fold 6, most criticisms also apply here.

    • [deleted]

    Also, you wont be able to do more on the phone. Only perform those nieche tasks slightly faster. You're still limited by Android, its not a desktop replacement, nor a power user's tool. These apps are optimized for normal phone screens. I really dont see the point personally.


    I looked at this also - but I didn't see how that much $$$ justified what seems to be minimal benefit. Especially since I already have a tablet.

    Agree with xenibem156 in that a flip would have more benefit (for me)

    7 days later

    I am going to disagree with you all. Once you go Fold you never go back! There is no need for a tablet or even a laptop. Just a desktop at home with a screen share app. I have been using a foldable phone for several years from the Sammy Fold 3, Fold 4, G Pixel Fold, and plan on buying the Pro 9 Fold.

    I use both screens equally. The phones are so convenient in their use.

    Does it justify the price? That is a tough one. For the price of a fold you could buy a top tier slab phone, a laptop and a backpack to carry it in. But you can't pack it all into one device that does it all. So, if you can make good use of the phone (personal, work, entertainment, etc) then I think it is worth it. (But I still wish the prices would come down).

      BraveDuck Just chiming in, because I think it is worth noting. I was planning to order a pixel 9 fold until I realized they didn't include the nice new cameras that are on the regular 9 pro. I'll be waiting another year to see if maybe they'll include better cameras on the 10 fold.

        How is the experience of using a map app on the Pixel Fold ?
        Because of Google's choice of aspect ratio for its non-fold phones, depending on the choice of map app I sometimes feel like I'm navigating with tunnelvision esp with an app like Here WeGo where a significant amount of the top and bottom of the screen for better and for worse are reserved for non-map information.

        BraveDuck if desktop mode comes soon it would be awesome.

        But “Desktop mode” means the opposite of what you imagine:
        The rare phones which really support a desktop mode could be very small ones, because they will be connected via USB or HDMI cable or a dock to your LCD monitor on your desk!

        If you don't have a tablet computer yet, but have really useful tasks for such a setup, then it might be the right decision to buy a Pixel 9 Fold.
        But for the most people it's not really useful, if they also have no useful purpose for a Tablet PC.
        And 100% agree with @[deleted] (“you will have black bars and the phone is less durable”).

        inomfood the next model will have a better camera. But the next non-fold phone will have an even better camera. I don't think it's worth waiting for.

        How do I love thee? Let me count the ways
        1) For work I use a screen share app to access many computers. Having the big screen is extremely helpful when operating a full size Linux, MacOS or Windows screen.
        2) watching any video on the big screen is more enjoyable
        3) looking at any charts on the big screen is better
        4) every spreadsheet benefits from more real estate
        5) reading an e-book is better with size options
        6) same with any web page - and sometimes you need the big screen for the page to operate properly
        7) viewing your pictures, especially when showing them to others nearby
        8) viewing security cameras
        9) viewing an email that is formatted too large for the small screen
        10) Google maps
        11) Roon music!!
        12) viewing "month view" on your calendar app
        13) every PDF
        14) I don't use social media like Facebook or IG, but I'm sure its better having the option for a big screen.
        15) any transaction performed on a financial app (brokerage or crypto etc)
        16) I don't game on my phone but I'm sure the big screen is better
        17) any app like email, telegram or discord can benefit from the large format viewing style sometimes (with the side panel on the left)
        18) filling out a form on a webpage
        19) automatic kick stand

          Thanks for all the input, I think the mains concerns were the black bars and the using the phone with one hand how would that feel etc. the black bars issue had been resolved that won't be an issue anymore, regarding one hand use, it's 6.3 inch screen on the front screen which should be okay but there is the hinge which is still pretty big. Personally, I'm willing for the small issues and see how it is for a year of I don't like it or enjoy I can switch back to slab. Overalls , it depends on your needs. But it's likely that desktop mode will be out this year and having the fold will be more enjoyable, having a small or a larger screen when connected to a larger monitor.

            You don't need a Fold for that:

            Will be a standard feature, just it was for many years on Samsung devices. No need the Fold for that.
            You wanted a compact device to use with one hand, and in the same sentence you ask about getting
            the Fold? Even the P8, which is a great overall device with 6.2, feels huge after using a P4a. If I could
            get a a modern < 6 inch GOS device I would get rid of the P8 faster than light.

            Yes, you have a point but that's the issue, having a fold gives you more flexibility on the go. Your not going to have a desktop everywhere you go. On the bus or a train, needing to have a better multitasking environment the fold will give you that. Whereas on a slab it's less functional in terms of multitasking.


            Thanks - sounds useful.

            So were you using grapheneos on the pixel fold 1 then? What was app compatibility like in terms of aspect ratios and what not?


              Yes, using Graphene OS on my Pixel Fold. I actually switched from a Samsung Fold 4 to the Pixel Fold (huge downgrade in all terms except form factor/screen shape). I did the switch just so I could have graphene. Preordered my Pro9 Fold, which fixes alot of the downsides from the Samsung. The Samsung Folds are really nice all around.

              I haven't had any app incompatibilities. The only thing is some apps work better on the big screen in portrait versus landscape. But have auto rotate set on the big screen and not on the little screen works best for me (it saves your preference per screen so I never touch the auto-rotate button).

                csrcsr Are the common privacy apps optimized for the inner screen such as Signal, Molly, Protonmail, Aves, Newpipe, etc?

                  Signal and Proton mail fill the screen, however I would not consider them optimized as there is no special features on the big screen.
                  The other apps I don't have.

                  5 months later

                  i'm on a z fold 5 (and I'm looking to switch to pixel 9 pro fold, but that's another question)

                  molly works perfectly and without borders, newpipe has borders, it remains slightly larger than an elongated 7pro pixel, but little.

                  I don't use protonmail or the other apps listed except Molly.

                  Let me reassure you: although the OneUI experience is well designed to force applications to be lengthened, on LineageOS it works just as well on z fold 5.

                  BraveDuck I personally use the 9 pro fold. It is a little expensive but I managed to get it cheap through my cell phone provider. It has been a joy to use though. I unfold it regularly to use it as a reader. The only down side is the phone case support is a little lackluster.