
My child discovered my Pixel tablet with GrapeheneOS and then asked to install some games. That's not so easy because I don't have a Google account and no Play Services installed.

I am looking for Open Source games for children aged 5-8 years.

With the forum search i found very very little on the subject of Open Source gaming. Is there even a reasonable community?


    Scott I am looking for Open Source games for children aged 5-8 years.

    I went to F-Droid and typed in "game". Here are some early hits. Note that I have not tried any of these and am not vouching for them in any way.

      The Play Store games listed in that last link could be installed through Aurora Store; but read the positive & negative criticisms about it on here first.

        Eury The Play Store games listed in that last link could be installed through Aurora Store; but read the positive & negative criticisms about it on here first.

        I prefer not Closed Source games
        I hate ads, don't wish that for kids.

        Eury https://old.reddit.com/r/fossdroid/comments/13f5d3d/what_are_your_favorite_foss_games/

        Because Reddit blocks VPNs here alternative link (Thanks!)

        I'm not really a gamer, but everyone can find themselves in some incredibly tedious situations when the only option is to gaze at their phone - which is why I used to have a slew of utterly meaningless addictive games filled with ads. It's been years since the last time I voluntarily downloaded this type of spyware.
        I was wondering whether you guys play any FOSS games?


        a quick reminder: the games have to be very simple, we're talking about young children who can't read or do math very well. I have tried some of them, but they are too complicated even for me.

        • yore replied to this.

          de0u I went to F-Droid and typed in "game". Here are some early hits. Note that I have not tried any of these and am not vouching for them in any way.

          There seems to be a lot of games in F-Droid. But I don't want random games (search hits), I want games where little kids can really have fun.

          Scott I prefer not Closed Source games
          I hate ads, don't wish that for kids.

          You can always revoke the Network permission to avoid ads. As long as it's not malware, I don't see why you would want to avoid proprietary games.

            GCompri includes many games and educational activities for young children. It can be installed via f-droid

              jacobb GCompri includes many games and educational activities for young children. It can be installed via f-droid

              Very nice! Thanks!



              Multi-Activity Educational game for children 2 to 10
              GCompris is a high quality educational software suite, including a large number
              of activities for children aged 2 to 10. Some of the activities are game
              orientated, but nonetheless still educational.

              yore As long as it's not malware, I don't see why you would want to avoid proprietary games.

              I don't think Richard Stallman agrees with you 😜

              Scott Sonic Robo Blast 2

              I can't find the Android *.apk - all kids love Sonic


              According Wikipedia it also runs on Android



              Sonic Robo Blast 2 (often abbreviated SRB2) is a platform game made within id Software's Doom engine. It is a free Sonic the Hedgehog fan game inspired by the original Sega Genesis games that "attempts to recreate their design in 3D",[5] and was the first fan-made 3D Sonic game created.[6] The game has received consistent support throughout its development of over 20 years, which has been attributed to a large modding community.[7][6]

              I think the official site https://www.srb2.org/ blocks VPN endpoints:

              Error 1005 Ray ID: 810d0f5f6a22c289 • 2024-07-10 07:57:08 UTC
              Access denied
              What happened?
              The owner of this website (www.srb2.org) has banned the autonomous system number (ASN) your IP address is in (9009) from accessing this website.

              How-To get the *.apk?
              Very strange that an Open Source project blocks VPNs

              Aeon Frozen Bubble

              Not comaptible with my device. Too old release?

              • Aeon replied to this.


                oh wow it did not get updated, a shame.

                its been a long while since I had the game installed on my phone (I dont have any games on it currently)

                it is open Source, have you checked if there are any forks on github that got their API/SDK version updated to a more modern one?

                Android Installation
                For Android 4.0 or later

                Sonic Robo Blast 2 – v2.2
                > Android is not officially supported. Android bug reports on our GitLab, GitHub, or forums will be discarded.

                Community-made Android APKs for v2.2 are available. By downloading them, you acknowledge that Sonic Team Jr. is not responsible for any data loss or damage caused by the app. The latest community-maintained build of SRB2 for Android is available here. Find it under the Assets portion of the topmost release post.

                If you have a previous version of SRB2 installed, and the app does not update, you will need to uninstall it before installing newer updates. If you run into other problems, try posting in the #android-help channel on our Discord server or file a bug report for the Android build here.

                The source code for SRB2 for Android can be found here.
