Scott Sonic Robo Blast 2
I can't find the Android *.apk - all kids love Sonic
According Wikipedia it also runs on Android
Sonic Robo Blast 2 (often abbreviated SRB2) is a platform game made within id Software's Doom engine. It is a free Sonic the Hedgehog fan game inspired by the original Sega Genesis games that "attempts to recreate their design in 3D",[5] and was the first fan-made 3D Sonic game created.[6] The game has received consistent support throughout its development of over 20 years, which has been attributed to a large modding community.[7][6]
I think the official site blocks VPN endpoints:
Error 1005 Ray ID: 810d0f5f6a22c289 • 2024-07-10 07:57:08 UTC
Access denied
What happened?
The owner of this website ( has banned the autonomous system number (ASN) your IP address is in (9009) from accessing this website.
How-To get the *.apk?
Very strange that an Open Source project blocks VPNs