Hi, I lost my password to login into my user profile. Is there an option to recover it?

    If you're talking about a user profile on your phone, then sorry, no. That's impossible.

    If you're not talking about a user profile on your phone, then which user are you talking about?

      unwat Bad luck, it is the 1st option.
      So I should do a factory reset? or is there a better option?

        There is no way recovering this password

        If you've given up guessing the password, you can do one of two things based on which user profile was affected.

        If it's a secondary user, not the owner profile, you can just delete the profile you forgot the password for while logged in to the owner profile and start a new one.

        If it's the owner profile you will have to do a factory reset. Here's how you can do it if you don't already know how. It's under "With your phones buttons (advanced)". I've never done it this way with GOS, but it should be the same as Stock. Ignore the part that says how to get ready for the reset. You won't be prompted for any passwords on GrapheneOS to do a factory reset.

          unwat thx unwat! I could follow this steps. now time to set up everything.