I keep toggling between the GOS phone/messenger app - and google's phone and messenger app.

This is due to spam blocking.

It 'seems' that the google apps handle spam better than the OOTB GOS phone and messenger app.

Does that seem to be the case?

I hate using the google apps - but I probably hate the spam more :(

Any suggestions on which phone/msg app to use - and is there a way to have both privacy/security AND spam filtering?

    I just choose to suffer the spam, personally. In order to get this kind of functionality, the app would have to send data elsewhere.

    I have heard of an app that uses the user's contacts list to filter phone calls. Maybe there is something similar for text messaging. Maybe some other people on here have some suggestions.

      unwat Yeah - the choice between security/privacy and convenience is an ongoing choice/battle! Though for SPAM - that in itself is a privacy risk.