hosepe I don't know if you can block the Play Store from updating automatically.

Yes it can. Automatic app updates can be switched of in playstore settings. But only globally. Not per app

    9 days later

    the apk you linked still gave me the error when trying to log in

      11 days later
      a month later

      This can be achieved without Aurora blacklisting. You can leverage the Manual download feature in Aurora, so you won't even have to get an APK from some third-party source. Just put in the version code for the newest supported version (107272), and it will work just fine.

      I can confirm this works on 2024091900. It however did not work with my work profile through shelter which is where I have play services installed.

      Thx for posting the guide, quite the lifesaver.

      12 days later

      the apk (version worked for me, thanks!

      It won't work without google play services (though it will tell you that), so I installed it in the work profile (via shelter) which to my surprise worked fine.
      I disabled the auto updates in the play store just to play it safe, though I could see snapchat at one point forcing the update and potentially breaking things.

        a month later

        i tried that exact version, what i did was use main profile, install old version, then send it to another user profile, used vpn, then regular wifi ip after restart same issue, says due to suspicious bla bla, anything you can suggest? i can not register an account, also all older versions form feb and lower do not have google sign in feature to begin with

        10 days later

        I just updated to the latest version (v13.16.0.40/168572), and it still works fine. Will post an update if anything changes.

        2 months later

        Update: Everything still works fine, I've updated the app using Aurora Store a few time and it didn't break.