You can find an OS breakdown with mentions of LineageOS here:
LinageOS vs. GrapheneOS
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I'd recommend taking a look at which is a comprison of various OSes, including GrapheneOS and LineageOS.
As others here have said, LineageOS isn't really a valid choice if you're after security and privacy. It's not the project's goal, and they roll it back from the AOSP baseline by a lot.
If for some reason you don't want to or cannot use GrapheneOS, and don't want or cannot use a supported iPhone, you could consider looking at DivestOS which does what it can for harm reduction, but is mostly focused on older devices which are fundamentally insecure due to being EOL and not being able to have full security updates. DivestOS' developer is honest about that fact.
Scott LineageOS is largely the opposite of GrapheneOS. It substantially rolls back security and somewhat reduces privacy compared to the Android Open Source Project. GrapheneOS preserves the standard privacy/security and massively improves it. You should read through what we provide at, which is a partial list of our features rather than standard Android features.
GrapheneOS oh man, I knew it was less secure than stock, but it's also less private? That's definitely a shocker for me. I'm glad I discovered GrapheneOS when I did because if I hadn't I would be using LineageOS right now. 😅
Having used LineageOS myself for about a year (before I even thought to ask questions about privacy or security), my own view is that its focus is generally to provide features and OS updates to as many phones as possible, including old EOL phones, whereas GrapheneOS' focus is to provide enhanced privacy and security to its users.
LOS feels like a novelty (e.g. having Android 14 on a pixel 3a) while GOS feels purpose built and by choosing GOS over LOS you really aren't missing out on features- just some additional status bar customizations/functionality and screenshot features. In fact, in my opinion I get more features out of my phone by using GrapheneOS than LineageOS.
Control is a big one for me too. GOS provides a lot of control that LOS (or any other phone in existence for that matter) just will never provide.
Also, GOS provides superior documentation, accessible support forums and community which I have found super helpful.
Side note: LineageOS was also more involved and more nerve racking to install and sometimes a pain to update.
Anyone have any sources regarding how LOS is less private than stock? I'd really like to read up on that, and previous discussions I've found don't provide much detail.
Jojojo German, but you can use a translator
Jojojo Its not less private than Stock. GrapheneOS said its less private than AOSP
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Thank you @all, I will not install and test LineageOS.
Is there an Android TV build in the pipeline for GOS? Is something like this planned or not on the roadmap at all? That would be a topic where LineageOS has no competition
Scott Is there an Android TV build in the pipeline for GOS?
Since Android TVs likely don't meet the requirements, I would guess no.