So, I've been thinking about getting graphene on my device (P6P) but there's some utilities I can't live without one of them is pixelify, i wanted to know how the ROM handles itself when its rooted, y'know because of the privacy focused stuff and the sandbox emulation i would also like to install a custom kernel but I don't want to mess up the system any advice or suggestions?
Graphene OS and root utilities
GrapheneOS does not recommend rooting, as it removes the security that Verified Boot provides (among other security things, I think). If you choose to root, then I believe its not considered to be "GrapheneOS" any longer and assistance will not be provided for issues you face, especially if you plan to install a custom kernel.
The website has instructions for building GOS if you wish to have your own modified version of GOS. Be aware that you are not allowed to call your custom build or refer to it in any way as "GrapheneOS".