• General
  • Is there a 4-track type DAW compatible with Grapehene? Problems with n-track

I would like to have the ability to record vocals with my pixel using a USB interface that I have connected.

I created a new profile to do this.

I installed n-track in the main profile from Aurora and then installed it to the new profile

I installed the compatibility layer using the App icon.

I also copied a wav file I wanted to work with from the main profile to a USB and then to the new profile from the USB.

When I open n-track, it says there's a google play error. I gave all the Apps lots of other permissions, except network or bluetooth.

Although n-track does open, for some reason I can't import the wave file when I click on it. Nothing happens. I think it has to access the compatibility layer to import the wav file and it just doesn't work.

I don't need to use n-track, although it's a simple DAW that does what I need. I just need a multi-track program that can record audio and preferably one that isn't a paid App. I couldn't find anything FOSS that was usable to import a wav file and then record an audio track from microphone along with it.

Does anyone have suggestions on how to make this work?


    Google Play Services may need to be installed before you install n-track. Additionally, Google Play Services probably needs network permissions to be allowed.