• GeneralPixel 7 Pro
  • Restarting while in airplane mode: why am I seeing a voicemail notification?

Hi all, I mostly keep my GrapheneOS in airplane mode.
Every now and then I restart it, either because of an upgrade or because of auto-reboot.

Sometimes, after restart is complete, I'll see a voicemail notification — I don't understand how that's possible given that the phone is supposed to be in airplane mode.

Is GrapheneOS talking to the phone network during boot?
In other words, does GrapheneOS exit airplane mode (even briefly) during a reboot?


You're right — wifi calls are on.

What I don't understand is: shouldn't I also be getting notifications for missed calls? And texts?
Those definitely aren't going through.

It happened again!
This time WiFi calling was off.

Is this potentially a bug?
If so, how do I report it?

  • pml replied to this.

    ben_sherp my guess is that since you already received the notification, you will keep receiving it until you listen to the voicemail

    • Try first calling your voicemail
    • Address the voicemail
    • Reboot, and if the notification has ceased
    • turn on airplane mode
    • have someone leave you a voicemail
    • reboot
    • success?

    5 days later

    ben_sherp Just following up as I haven't heard from you, has my reply helped at all?