There are a few google apps, that I found to be very usefull.
Google Camera was a must, and that took GSF with it.
Gboard was the only keyboard with a decent experience.
Files by Google is the best file manager I found
And Google gallery is simple and looks good, plus I never knew it existed.

They are really good apps, but I'm concerned about using them, as they're google apps after all.

  • abcZ replied to this.

    You can always remove those apps' network permission, but considering they're closed source no one can know if those apps communicate with Google Play Services.

    Big companies have the resources to make apps everybody likes. Good app leads to more use which leads to more useful data to mine. Other apps might be a little rougher around the edges, but at least you can feel more comfortable knowing there's less Google spying.

    abcZ I don't think there's a point to using this over gsf, that isn't my problem. My issue is on the macro level, with google code running on my phone. Not that I don't trust it, but I'msceptical, even with a disabled network permission

    • abcZ replied to this.

      nrdstrm gsf is google code.
      The last 3 programs you mentioned are replaceable. The keyboard especially -- gboard is horrible, they squeeze the keyboard smaller on it which is the opposite of what you should want.

        But I don't wish to replace them, I just want to know if they could send any data to google even with their network permissions taken away.

        • abcZ replied to this.

          nrdstrm You should wish to replace them.

          If you deny network access to ALL of them, INCLUDING gsf, then communicating with gooble should be prevented.

          • Hulk replied to this.

            No, it is their choice.
            Please don't tell people what they "should" or "should not" do (at least here).
            Educate people, explain to them how things work, let them have their own informed weighted decisions.

            abcZ Gboard might be many things but "horrible" isn't one of them

            @abcZ GrapheneOS discussion forum is not a place for straight up hate speech

            • abcZ replied to this.

              Hulk Lol appreciate all the hard work the GOS team has been doing to push out updates and new features

              • Hulk replied to this.

                For people looking for GBoard alternatives, I highly recommend OpenBoard, been using it as a daily driver and have no complaints unless you're looking for dictation.