I'm looking to track down a couple of apps via DNS requests that are contacting domains i'd generally not want my phone to contact (through Pi-Hole logs). Anyone suggest a good DNS monitor that works on grapheneOS?
Alternative to Net Monitor?
crawdad101 Please note that DNS requests do not imply connections are made based on the DNS request. DNS requests can be used to send or retrieve data on their own. They're rarely used to send data but are often used to retrieve data. As an another example, if you have Private DNS in the default opportunistic mode, it makes a randomized DNS request for a sample domain to determine if DNS-over-TLS is available. It doesn't make any connection based on the result.
Maybe try netguard? [https://netguard.me/]
GrapheneOS Understood. I occasionally see DNS requests to adobedtm.com that get blocked by Pi-Hole and wish to understand what app is even requesting that resolution. Thank you!
Can try :
"No-root network monitor, firewall and PCAP dumper for Android"