The uber driver app does not work, is there a way to fix it?

It says "issue with current device"

-Play services has location permission
-no VPN
-uber has location permission
-exploit compatibility protection mode is on

Still can't use the app

Is there a fix?

    Eat420 If you search here on the forum, you'll see that there've been others who've had issues with the Uber Eats driver app. Based on the screenshot that you posted here, I'm guessing it's detecting that the OS isn't a Google certified OS, though it could be something else.

    We need to figure out how it can detect it in order to fix it, I doubt its the same issue as google wallet but if it's not there should be a fix.
    I tried using SAI Split apk installer but no luck. The app did show up on android auto when installed with SAI though but it was just a black screen. Very odd.

      Eat420 basically, this:

      In a nutshell, you have Google Play installed on the phone. The app (likely) has imported a Google library and uses that to communicate with Google Play to have it report back on whether the OS is certified or not. GrapheneOS isn't certified because Google has its own criteria. Some app developers make the mistake of thinking that not being certified means that an OS isn't trustworthy or secure, which isn't the case here.

      8 days later

      Yo tengo pixel experience en un redmi note 7 y tengo el mismo problema, intenté certificar mi dispositivo y instalar los certificados necesarios con magisk pero no es suficiente, no me deja usar la app de Uber driver

        Zuillep Firstly, we ask that everyone use English in our community. Feel free to use translation software if necessary.

        Zuillep redmi note 7

        GrapheneOS doesn't support this device.

        Zuillep magisk

        The driver app probably detected you have Magisk on your phone and won't work.

        3 months later

        Has anyone figured this out yet?

        Backstory: I just upgraded to Graphene OS on a Pixel 8 after experiencing a massive hack on my Verizon iPhone 14 that appears either to be a SIM swap situation, a compromised iCloud, or some kind of internal Uber hacking ring or exploit that is potentially ongoing. This also simultaneously occurred as I discovered fraudulent charges on my credit report, meaning my social got exploited, because I had everything on a freeze.

        Somehow, they were able to turn off app 2FA and it was showing up to Uber as an iPhone 12. Uber locked it down and they claim none of my personal info was revealed, but we all know their track history on those kinds of claims. During all of this, I kept getting "Uber Support" emails asking me for personal type information that they already had, but if that was phishing, it's the most sophisticated phishing I've ever seen, as the emails are absolutely identical in every way to official Support emails.

        No matter what I tried, how many times I reset the password, I could not login to my Driver account on that phone because of a "login denied" error, even though Uber assured me everything was fine. I finally got the Pixel, installed Graphene OS, changed my email and phone number, and was able to login to the app once again. I read a post from a year ago in the Reddit forum that said they were able to use Uber Driver just fine.

        Unfortunately, I cannot actually go online within the app now to take trips because I get the error we're discussing here. I thought maybe it was overly strict parameters with Rethink or the Exploit protection compatibility turned off, so I made a separate User profile and made it as open as possible (no VPN, Automatic exploit protection compatibility turned on, Google Play permissions granted). Unfortunately, it's still not working.

        Here's a screenshot of what the error looks like in the Driver app, thought I would contribute to this here:


        It clearly seems to be identifying this as a "rooted" device, which is leaving me very frustrated. I didn't want to have to resort to just getting a phone with Uber by itself and nothing else, but after this massive exploit I sustained with serious financial damage I still have to repair, I might have to go that route. I don't want this app near anything ever again.

        It would be great if someone can figure this out since evidently it was working before?