• General
  • Donate and support GrapheneOS!

It is not necessary for a Canadian not for profit to spend funds within any time limits.

It is however very useful to have recurring donations as they have the potential to provide some certainty of future income for the GrapheneOS Foundation.

Having said that the project has received a small number of large one-off donations which have been instrumental in enabling the project to fund a lot of development and other project expenses. One off donations are also gratefully received, especially if they are large!

    Carlos-Anso this between the lines only confirms that by far not enough users support GrapheneOS with donations, only use free product (and demand features).

    DeletedUser127 Come on guys, stop being selfish

    In my experience, trying to encourage people to do something by describing their behaviour in judgmental ways very rarely motivates them to do the thing that I would like them to do.

      fid02 my apologies for using unconventional methods. I will not suggest such in the future, let people learn from their own mistakes.

      fid02 Our recurring expenses are significantly more than the donations we regularly receive. We received several massive one-time donations including one from Jack Dorsey and several from Vitalik Buterin. We're holding onto the cryptocurrency as Ethereum and Bitcoin which has increased a lot in value, which is the main reason we have a lot of money saved up and we'll be able to fund the project for several years despite not receiving enough recurring donations to cover expenses. We're using minimal risk fixed income investments for the USD we have saved up provide some recurring income. We're in no rush to burn through all the money and end up unable to pay expenses. We don't know how long the large donations we received will last in practice since it largely depends on volatile cryptocurrency price fluctuations, but it should last a few years. We'll need to find sources of other large donations or manage to get far more people to make small recurring donations. The available money heavily limits how much we can expand but we definitely don't need to scale things down.


        I don’t know if this has been asked before but wouldn’t some sort of financial goal indicator, showing progress throughout the month (and time/amount of donations to completion) be a helpful visual tool to gently nudge GOS users to contribute? Like the one I used to see on GitHub? Just my thoughts.

        • Edited

        phone-company so donation via krypto is the best way?

        They can convert between currencies as they want, so none is necessarily better than any other, except maybe for your privacy as a donor.

        In fact, I am quite surprised they are keeping the donated crypto currencies as such. Most projects would immediately convert it to fiat to protect themselves from crypto currencies' often very volatile prices and increased risks of theft. But in the end it is the GrapheneOS project that decides what level of financial risks they are willing to take, and it is hard to complain about something that have turned out to be very profitable for the project and by extension benefiting us all. I would have converted it all to fiat immediately though, if I were managing the funds.

        I saw on one of the social media posts that GrapheneOS was struggling with Wise a bit, is the problem solved? I'd rather donate through a direct bank transfer than an intermediary such as GitHub, but if Wise is causing the team a bit of trouble, I'd have no problem doing it through GitHub.

        23 days later

        Donated! Thank you for keeping the worlds most secure and private operating system free.

        I donated as well because the web site lists a bank account in Europe - which is a very convenient way to send money as I don't use PayPal, GitHub or any crypto currency.