randei Is it possible to create a bigger space for contact scopes? I can not add all the contacts I want to add.
matchboxbananasynergy May I suggest you instead put the contacts you want in a label and give access to that label to the app?
matchboxbananasynergy Not a stupid question at all. Follow these steps: Open your contacts app (stick with the AOSP contacts app that comes with GrapheneOS for this) Tap on the menu button on the top left of the app. Tap "Create Label" Name your label You'll be taken to your new label. Tap "Add contacts" Press and hold the contacts you want to add to the label, then tap "add" on the top right once done Go to the app where you want to give access to this label, in the contact scopes menu Tap label Select the label you just created tap "Add to the list of scopes All done!
pixel9 matchboxbananasynergy It would help if the label can be used also the way to "allow all contacts except label/ labels selected". It would allow me to select smaller groups of contacts to be excluded on device for concrete app.