Is there a solution to enable Google Wallet on GrapheneOS? I've been using Graphene for a week on my Pixel 6 but haven't been able to use Google Wallet or other NFC payment apps. Is there anyone who can explore a workaround to make it functional?****

    VenuReddy Those apps are most likely checking if the OS on your phone is running a Google Certified OS, which GrapheneOS isn't. Unless app developers use hardware attestation, or until a regulatory body forces Google/Alphabet's hand, it's not going to be possible.

      I'm sure he would have given you one is one was available. This has been asked many times if you search NFC you will see for yourself.

      A smart watch with NFC payments seems to be to l the only solution for now unless circumstances change.

      VenuReddy There's no workaround on GrapheneOS.

      If you know what you're doing, you could modify GrapheneOS code spoofing a legacy/other device and then build your own fork of it. Even if you did do that, it would only work for a short amount of time. The project considered doing just that to get around Play Integrity, but it was decided against for good reasons. See this comment and this next one by the same person explaining why.