There are apps that I just want to be working stable and never ever update them, so I don't tie them to any appstore (kind of how provided stock apps are most of the time, in fact). However sideloading any version to this phone doesn't work, I tried a dozen already.
If someone happened to be able to look over what version the playstore previously served to a p4a5G...
To do so,
Hold on the camera app icon > App info > scrolldown >
I need you guys to tell me the version and versionCode that works for p4a5G please?

    As with operating systems it is unwise not to update apps. There can be security vulnerabilities in any app.

    For example, a few years ago, Google Camera was being used by malware apps to take photos and videos which the malware would then access. A new version of Google Camera was released which blocked the ability for the malware to do this.

      Carlos-Anso I see thank you, I will start thinking about this dimension, but still would be happy to know the working version if someone can read it