• General
  • Storage Scopes : REMOVE* folder / file access

[feature request] latest build feb 2024 A14
(context : I'm installing a 3rd party gallery app, because provided one doesn't create some thumbnails-timeline to drag on in order to get to that one moment of the video that I'm interested in.)

It would be good, when entering the folder to give to the scope of an app (that requires storage permission), to, either :

  • be able to select several subfolders and then click "see these folder"
  • or the other way around select just few subfolders and click on a button that would be called something like "scope will have access to everything inside current folder except these selected subfolders"


    Are you aware that you can add several different folders to the Storage Scopes via " long press App>App Info> Storage Scopes> Add folder"?

    You could achive what you want (if i understand correctly) simply by giving access directly to the corresponding subfolders instead of the main folder.

      Murcielago thank you very much ! I'm lucky I don't have a bunch of end subfolders though, that's for what introducing such feature would be useful

      I see this scenario very probable when it comes to Albums within DCIM/Pictures/Camera/Videos, many can add up with time