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Yes, I had multiple masked emails on multiple email masking services (eg Firefox Relay, 33Mail, etc) which can get to be a hassle to keep track of (but, thanks be to KeepassXC! ✊). These days I use SimpleLogin as part of a Proton Unlimited subscription, which also allows you to set up custom sub-domains that could even include some part of your name, if you need to use a masked email address that is still not your actual one, for services that may need your real name (eg some booksellers are a bit squeamish about obviously-masked addresses). Just another useful option.
I once demonstrated the utility of this to a colleague when we were out at a restaurant in a city I was visiting which required you to use their QR code to order food to your table, including an email address and a charge card. Whip out the Pixel, fire up the SimpleLogin app, cook up a purpose-chosen masked email and use a masked credit card number, all done in 2 minutes, real email and real credit card info not given out. The unique email will also tell me if that establishment later sells the info on, since it is used nowhere else.
I also had a Tutanota email at one stage (they had a very good calendar before Proton did one), but for some reason they bumped me off it and it eventually timed out. Not much use having encrypted emails that you can't access any more, so I became wary of Tuta (sadly, because I really liked their stuff).