The problem has been occurring for over a week. I am using gesture support. When I swipe up quickly from the bottom of the screen the app closes. When I move my finger more slowly from the bottom of the screen up, and then hold my finger down to bring up the apps to switch them, there was usually a brief vibration after a while and then I could swipe to move to the appropriate window.
This has been working sporadically for more than a week now, and it's often the case that when I make a longer movement with my finger and hold it down on the screen to switch to another app, it displays a screen with windows of open apps only until unfortunately I don't get the characteristic vibration, and after I lift my finger
Gesture navigation: recent apps
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Please familiarize yourself with the official Android documentation:
Hope this clarifies things
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Hulk no. There's definitely a recent bug/change in operation.
Now the swipe up to try and dismiss apps freezes and you have to try again by going back to the home screen.
It used to be much smoother and a one step process. Now it takes deliberate actions to either change apps or close one.
It's hard to describe exactly what happens. But it's definitely not working as smoothly as before.
It also doesn't always get to the place where the screenshot button appears. It's like the apps get stuck half way.
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feel free to create and send me your screen recording.
You might want to keep it private, so you can send it to me over Matrix: