I have no idea why by periodically my wifi switch off. It happen every 1-2 hours. I need to restart the phone to get it back. When i turn it on without restart it switch off imidetly. Aby idea how to look for the root cause ? Pixel 3
- Nov 20, 2022
- Joined Oct 12, 2022
I still get this popup. Is updated avaialble for Pixel 3?
- In Firewall
When I used calyxos there was buildin firewall to get internet access for app ex. Gboard.
Is simmilar firewall or app for graphene? I installed gps and later protonmail, but from Aurora
I have problem with notifications from protonmail on pixel 3. I mean, simetimes i have info about new mail and sometimes don't. GPS all are instaled. Have you had simillar issue?