Never mind, I discovered that when uninstalling the app it optionally allows user to cache data
- 2 days ago
- Joined 2 days ago
other8026 Image tool box was installed months ago so this app shouldn't even be present.
Plus like I mentioned its not installed for this user apparently and there's no other users since I deleted all due to paranoia.
fid02 its not which is why I stated its 100%not. I even delete all profiles.
Furthermore, I believe its from an app called "Image toolbox" but the strange thing is I uninstalled it. So that package mentioned shouldn't be present. The app icon also doesn't match the original app. And also the file size doesn't match the original app.
What's the chances of the app being malware and hiding itself In some way.
I've always checked via adb BTW and the package is not found.
Has anyone experienced a situation like this where for the owner profile its says
Not installed for this user
but the app is also 100% NOT installed for any other user? I believe it's something to do with a previously installed app, but it still doesn't make sense to me.The package in question is called imagesizeshrinker