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You are a student and if using Mac & iPad positively affects your workflow, by all means, keep using it. You can always have a GrapheneOS as a phone for just communications - calls, sms/messaging, quick emails etc.
When it comes to work and studies, do what makes sense and adopt tech that makes it easy to focus on the task at hand. Having said that, embrace the concept of compartmentalisation. Should you want, you can use your iPhone, Mac & iPad for work & studies alone and switch to a Pixel w/ GrapheneOS for your personal life. As @c86 mentioned, using ADP is the way to go if you still want to keep using Apple devices.
I use an iOS device for work. I've switched to using a Pixel w/ GOS as my personal device this year. I still have an iPad, as I and my partner use it for browsing, banking, tax and other common family digital needs. My partner also exclusively uses iOS, which is one of the reasons I cannot sell/donate the iPad. It is by no means a replacement for a PC but a tablet is way faster to access, portable and compatibility with services is flawless.
While in uni I had a vanilla Android for my personal device, windows PC and an iPad. I agree, this was not the ideal setup but it kept me sane through my course. As soon as I graduated I got rid of the PC, switched to Linux and LineageOS device with minimal apps and a few years later switched to iOS and since this year, been rocking GOS. I bought a Pixel last year January and flashed GOS, went all in and crashed. We all have to take it slow. Identify the right apps, services and get your priorities rights, at least that's what I did and GOS worked for me on my second try.
To answer your question, yes you can make it work. Use the best what iOS, MacOS & iPadOS have to offer (ADP, Lockdown etc) and use minimal apps wherever possible and adopt privacy friendly apps like Signal, Ente, Proton/Tuta, Simplelogin/Addy, Mullvad/iVPN, NextDNS. Take it slow, you will figure it out :)