
  • Joined Aug 9, 2022
  • I believe this is the same issue as described in https://discuss.grapheneos.org/d/11421-graphene-os-intermittently-fails-to-ring-for-incoming-calls.

    I am experiencing the exact same behaviour since around the QPR2 update: SMS and calls randomly stop working for a period of time (incoming SMS doesn't show up, incoming calls don't ring).

    Restarting the phone immediately notifies me of the messages that were received and the messages show up as expected, albeit with a timestamp of the time of restart.

    Pixel 7, 2024040300, Telus (Canada)

    • Thanks for the answers. I'll import a Pixel and be content with 3G calling and LTE connection. Good to know that those basic functions will work regardless of carrier support.

      Please mark Solved (I can't seem to edit the post). Thanks!

    • Now, I know what "unsupported" means, but I really want to switch to GrapheneOS and want to clarify some things about the possibility of using Pixel + GOS in South Korea.
      Pixel phones are not released in South Korea, and so obviously Google does not officially support the South Korean carriers.
      But, from the research I've done, people who have imported unlocked Pixels from North America have successfully used the phones in South Korea, perhaps with limited functionality.
      Pixels seem to support the mobile broadband frequencies used by South Korean carriers (see here).
      I don't expect functionalities like Wi-Fi calling or VoLTE to work, but would basic calling and LTE connections work, if I were to import an NA variant of a Pixel and use GrapheneOS with it in South Korea?