
  • Nov 26, 2023
  • Joined Oct 23, 2022
  • I like their "privacy" push from the past few years, but they still collect data on you. Graphene simply doesn't and it gives me peace of mind and it works great for me.

  • Bouzenzel I think you misunderstood me on this. I don't think they should hold my personal info either. However, you do accept a terms of service when using this product. There is currently not an open source smartwatch with a grapheneos equivalent. So, for now, you will need to accept the privacy risks of wearing a smartwatch. I understand you see it as you do but, that will not change how things are unless you get coding my friend!

  • I don't believe there is a work around. If I understand what you are asking correctly. Since it's a Garmin product it would need it's app to sync. I have a Garmin watch as well and I've accepted that if I do want a "smartwatch" than I will have to accept that they will know information about me. Smartwatches are trackers no ifs, ands, or buts. However, using graphene OS is a good path toward privacy in other areas.

    • LedTasso After a fresh install and doing as you suggested my notifications are working. Gotta love beta's! :)

      • LedTasso I might do as you suggested but after a fresh install. I'll report back if that works.

        • unwat

          I do have the play store installed, but I have not logged in. I thought that wasn't needed anymore. Am I wrong? I did install the play store and opened it until it got to the login page and then exited out of it and restarted the phone. Hopefully this solves the problem!

          • Hi All,

            I'm having some issues with notifications specifically related to Google Play Services. Battery is unrestricted, notifications are allowed on all apps, and framework is installed with play services. I think I may chalk it up to the beta on this one. Any idea's would be great!
