
  • Feb 22, 2024
  • Joined Feb 21, 2024
  • graphenediscoverer4 Did you investigate the two latters since then ? Which one works best for your needs?

    Yes, I ended up just installing the sandboxed play store and paying for the full version of Tasker. But I still can't do what I want to do: Automate changing app permissions without root. If you find a solution at some point in the future, please let us know. Although doing things without root means it needs to be supplied by the OS.

    [deleted] Im 99% sure your navigation app wont use it in the background while its closed

    I checked this using the indicator for a while, and I can tell you 100% it kept checking for location roughly twice an hour.

    This location permission is needed by the navigation app to enable "auto launch on (car) BT connection". This way, Android will tell the app once a certain connection is made. However, this particular app, like many apps, appears to abuse this permission to keep a log of your location every 30 minutes, which I can only assume is meant to be sold. This behavior silently went away after a couple of updates, which has taught me that it can also silently be brought back by any app with the location permission, even if it's only meant to check for a Bluetooth connection.

    All I want is to be able to control and especially automate permissions. Computers are meant to automate things, and users are meant to be in control.

  • I think that one of the problems with banks, is that Google targets them (probably PAYS them) to make things difficult unless your phone is fully infected with g-spyware. In order for G* to ram that garbage down everyone's throat, they need to actively make life miserable for you if you don't accept it. They do that by coercing software to be incompatible without it, and coercing other software to use G* services (like push message delivery). There's absolutely no security advantage to them doing these things since the bank still works through a web browser. Unfortunately, that could be where you're headed -- web browser.